
How to format the size, color and appearance of Leap's suite of icons. See all available icons graphics see the Icons page.

Basic Usage

heart interface icon
<!-- Using SVGInjector to inject SVG from img tag -->
<img class="icon" src="assets/img/icons/theme/general/heart.svg" alt="Heart icon" data-inject-svg />

<!-- Directly embedded SVG element -->
<svg class="icon" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
  <path d="M16.5 5C14.8905 5 13.0082 6.82463 12 8C10.9918 6.82463 9.1095 5 7.5 5C4.651 5 3 7.22218 3 10.0504C3 13.1835 6 16.5 12 20C18 16.5 21 13.25 21 10.25C21 7.42177 19.349 5 16.5 5Z" fill="#212529"></path>

Apply to <svg> to format as an icon


heart interface icon heart interface icon heart interface icon heart interface icon
<!-- Using SVGInjector to inject SVG from img tag -->
<img class="icon icon-lg" src="assets/img/icons/theme/general/heart.svg" alt="Heart icon" data-inject-svg />

<!-- Directly embedded SVG element -->
<svg class="icon icon-lg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
  <path d="M16.5 5C14.8905 5 13.0082 6.82463 12 8C10.9918 6.82463 9.1095 5 7.5 5C4.651 5 3 7.22218 3 10.0504C3 13.1835 6 16.5 12 20C18 16.5 21 13.25 21 10.25C21 7.42177 19.349 5 16.5 5Z" fill="#212529"></path>

Apply to .icon to reduce default size


Apply to .icon to slightly increase default size


Apply to .icon to greatly increase default size

Colors - Theme

homepod icon airpods icon watch-2 icon
<!-- Using SVGInjector to inject SVG from img tag -->
<img class="icon" src="assets/img/icons/theme/general/heart.svg" alt="Heart icon" data-inject-svg />

<!-- Directly embedded SVG element -->
<svg class="icon bg-primary" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
  <path d="M16.5 5C14.8905 5 13.0082 6.82463 12 8C10.9918 6.82463 9.1095 5 7.5 5C4.651 5 3 7.22218 3 10.0504C3 13.1835 6 16.5 12 20C18 16.5 21 13.25 21 10.25C21 7.42177 19.349 5 16.5 5Z" fill="#212529"></path>

Apply to .icon to adjust the icon's color


Apply to .icon to adjust the icon's color


Apply to .icon to adjust the icon's color

Colors - Bootstrap

heart interface icon heart interface icon heart interface icon heart interface icon heart interface icon heart interface icon heart interface icon
<!-- Using SVGInjector to inject SVG from img tag -->
<img class="icon bg-warning" src="assets/img/icons/theme/general/heart.svg" alt="Heart icon" data-inject-svg />

<!-- Directly embedded SVG element -->
<svg class="icon bg-warning" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
  <path d="M16.5 5C14.8905 5 13.0082 6.82463 12 8C10.9918 6.82463 9.1095 5 7.5 5C4.651 5 3 7.22218 3 10.0504C3 13.1835 6 16.5 12 20C18 16.5 21 13.25 21 10.25C21 7.42177 19.349 5 16.5 5Z" fill="#212529"></path>

Apply to .icon to adjust the icon's color


Apply to .icon to adjust the icon's color


Apply to .icon to adjust the icon's color


Apply to .icon to adjust the icon's color


Apply to .icon to adjust the icon's color


Apply to .icon to adjust the icon's color

Rounded Style

display-1 icon
display-1 icon
display-1 icon
<!-- Using SVGInjector to inject SVG from img tag -->
<img class="icon icon-round bg-primary" src="assets/img/icons/theme/devices/display-1.svg" alt="Display icon" data-inject-svg />

<!-- Directly embedded SVG element -->
<div class="icon-round bg-primary">
  <svg class="icon bg-primary" width="24px" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
    <title>Icon For Display#1</title>
    <g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
      <rect opacity="0" x="0" y="0" width="24" height="24"></rect>
      <path d="M11,20 L11,17 C11,16.4477153 11.4477153,16 12,16 C12.5522847,16 13,16.4477153 13,17 L13,20 L15.5,20 C15.7761424,20 16,20.2238576 16,20.5 C16,20.7761424 15.7761424,21 15.5,21 L8.5,21 C8.22385763,21 8,20.7761424 8,20.5 C8,20.2238576 8.22385763,20 8.5,20 L11,20 Z" fill="#000000" opacity="0.3"></path>
      <path d="M3,5 L21,5 C21.5522847,5 22,5.44771525 22,6 L22,16 C22,16.5522847 21.5522847,17 21,17 L3,17 C2.44771525,17 2,16.5522847 2,16 L2,6 C2,5.44771525 2.44771525,5 3,5 Z M4.5,8 C4.22385763,8 4,8.22385763 4,8.5 C4,8.77614237 4.22385763,9 4.5,9 L13.5,9 C13.7761424,9 14,8.77614237 14,8.5 C14,8.22385763 13.7761424,8 13.5,8 L4.5,8 Z M4.5,10 C4.22385763,10 4,10.2238576 4,10.5 C4,10.7761424 4.22385763,11 4.5,11 L7.5,11 C7.77614237,11 8,10.7761424 8,10.5 C8,10.2238576 7.77614237,10 7.5,10 L4.5,10 Z" fill="#000000"></path>

Wrap the <svg> icon element to format as a rounded icon


Apply to .icon-round element to greatly reduce default size


Apply to .icon-round element to reduce default size


Apply to .icon-round element to increase default size


Apply to .icon-round element to modify background color


Apply to .icon-round element to modify background color


Apply to .icon-round element to modify background color